A close-knit team, united around a common goal: to share without restraint in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Friends in life and at work, they will be keen to answer your questions and the DentalClub team brings together 3 passionate and accessible practitioners
DDS – MSc • Graduated from Paris Descartes University in 2008.
Holder of a certificate in biomaterials, fixed prosthesis, conservative dentistry and a master’s degree in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering from the University of Paris XIII – Galilée Institute.
Former University Hospital Assistant at Paris Descartes University in the research laboratory of Biomaterials – Innovations and Interfaces (Urb2i) directed by Dr. Jean Pierre Attal.
He has published in national and international reviews, and has collaborated in the writing of books on the themes of aesthetic and adhesive dentistry.
He is a member of the “BioTeam Paris” working group founded by Dr. Gil Tirlet and is SilverMember of the StyleItaliano group.
Anthony Atlan is a speaker for national and international congresses on the topics of aesthetic and adhesive dentistry, biomaterials, biomimetic and digital dentistry.
He has a private practice in Paris, focused on aesthetic, adhesive, digital and biomimetic dentistry, in association with Drs. Decup and Drossart.
DDS • Graduated from Paris V University in 2004
Holder of a Master in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering and a DEA (Master II) in Biomaterials from the University of Paris XIII – Research work in the Laboratory of Biomaterials – Innovations and Interfaces (Urb2i) of Prof. Michel Degrange.
Former Hospital-University Assistant in Biomaterials and Prosthesis (Paris Descartes University), he was also a teaching assistant in the prosthesis and then biomimetic and aesthetic departments of Dr Gil Tirlet between 2005 and 2014.
Speaker for national and international congresses on the themes of aesthetic and adhesive dentistry, biomaterials, biomimetic and digital dentistry, he has more than one hundred conferences to his credit and numerous articles and book chapters.
He has a private practice in Geneva, focusing on aesthetic, adhesive, digital and biomimetic dentistry.
DDS • Graduated from Paris Descartes University in 2009.
Former Hospital Attaché at the Paris Descartes University in Gil Tirlet’s aesthetic consultation.
He has published in national and international reviews, and has collaborated in the writing of books on the themes of aesthetic and adhesive dentistry.
He is a member of the “BioTeam Paris” working group founded by Dr. Gil Tirlet and is affiliated to the international BioEmulation working group.
Maxime Drossart is a speaker for national and international congresses, on the themes of aesthetic and adhesive dentistry, biomaterials, biomimetic and digital dentistry.
He has a private practice in Paris, focused on aesthetic, adhesive, digital and biomimetic dentistry, in association with Drs. Decup and Atlan.
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